Dublin Bus drivers have been causing chaos for UCD students by refusing to stop there after dark due to “anti-social behaviour”.
But the UCD students union has appealed for Dublin Bus not to “tar all UCD students with the same brush” over the dispute.
SU President Barry Murphy told RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland that students attempting to get home from the campus after dark often had to wait up to an hour to get on a bus, if one even stopped at all.
And failing that, they’ve been forced to spend upwards of €50 to get a taxi home, or €80 to €100 for a wheelchair accessible one.
'Most students aren't in wheelchairs' @morningireland – so the one who is, is completely stuck? Buses not stopping at @UCD leave students, particularly women, extremely vulnerable. UCD and Dublin Bus need to sit down and resolve issues.
— Helen Shaw – Athena Media (she/her) (@athenamediaie) March 6, 2019
Murphy said, “It’s very unfair for Dublin Bus drivers to tarnish all 28,500 students in UCD with the one brush, the staff there and the local residents.”
He added, “One thing we want drivers to know is that UCD is a safe stop to stop at, the security is there and it will continue to be there for the foreseeable future.
“I understand an isolated incident in the past may have upset bus drivers, but we are long past that and it is time they give it another try.”
Dublin Bus confirmed to RTÉ that they were aware of the anti-social behaviour issues and said, “While we appreciate the inconvenience caused, the safety of our employees and customers is of paramount importance.”
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