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20th Dec 2016

Our Colleagues In Dubai Sent Us These Storm Videos – And Good Lord, They’re Scary


Every office in Ireland has its fair share of weather talk – and here in the Lovin Group, we’re no different.

The only difference is that our colleagues in Dubai generally enjoy stone-splitting sunshine while we toil away in this wonderful but rainy city – and so these chats on Slack do tend to make those of us in the Dublin HQ a little bit jealous.

Today, though, we’re pretty happy with our lot – and you can see why in these videos.

Not only is spring finally in full flow here, but the videos the Dubai crew have been sending us of the storm are pretty terrifying – and certainly shatter the city’s image as a constant sunny paradise.

Sadly it was reported this morning that the floods have claimed one young life, so we’re really hoping that the worst of it is over – and that everyone over there stays safe.

You can check out more videos in Devinder’s article here.
