It’s a good day for ignorance.
A poll conducted by Public Policy Polling asked Republican voters in the US if they were in favour of bombing the city of Agrabah (the fictional one from Disney’s Aladdin) in order to fight terrorism and a staggering 30% of those polled were in favour.
Let me repeat that: 30% of Republican voters were in favour of bombing a cartoon city.
Twitter has reacted as brilliantly as you might expect.
Hangover level: Considering bombing Agrabah.
— Sonny Malhotra (@PhotoSonny) December 19, 2015
Don’t the 30% of Republicans who’d bomb Agrabah realise it’ll only create more radicals who turn into giant snakes!
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) December 19, 2015
To be fair, I’d never heard of Agrabah either. First response isn’t to bomb it, though.
— Jim Martin (@JimSpim) December 19, 2015
We need to arm the rebels against Jafar’s regime. Supply them with all the magic carpets and genies they need to take back Agrabah
— Teymour (@Teymour_Ashkan) December 18, 2015
Y’all act like Agrabah ain’t full of thieves, liars, witchcraft and doddering dictators. They gotta go.
— Tia Oso (@Tia_Oso) December 19, 2015
It’s hard to believe that 70% of self-identified Republicans would turn their back on our responsibility to bring stability to #Agrabah
— Jack Kimble (@RepJackKimble) December 19, 2015
Is there any oil in #Agrabah? Lamp oil doesn’t count.
— Husain Haqqani (@husainhaqqani) December 19, 2015
Muslims unite! Yesterday was Iraq & Afghanistan, today they bomb #Agrabah tomorrow it will be Narnia and Never Never land! We must unite!!
— Dr Bilal Hassam (@bilalhassam) December 18, 2015
“Carpet Bombing” takes on a whole other meaning in the land of #Agrabah now, doesn’t it…?
— Taz Ahmed (@TazzyStar) December 19, 2015
BREAKING NEWS: Image of man with suspect package in #Agrabah. If you have any info, please contact @realDonaldTrump
— Salim Kassam (@msalimkassam) December 19, 2015
Watch your back, Aladdin! Angry Americans are coming for Agrabah:
— E! News (@enews) December 19, 2015
In all seriousness, what the actual fuck.
Find more reactions on Twitter under #Agrabah.
Main pic: Walt Disney Pictures.
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