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05th Aug 2022

Why exactly has coffee gotten so expensive lately?

Katy Thornton

Like everything else, coffee prices have gone through the roof.


It’s now undeniable that our morning coffee has increased in price alongside everything else. In recent months I’ve been charged as much as €4 for an Americano, which once stood at a €2.90. While there are still cafés where you can find a reasonable price for your much-needed caffeine fix, there’s a logical explanation to the increase of coffee prices. Adrian Cummins of the Restaurant Association of Ireland tweeted earlier in the week that there’s been a significant increase in cost of business for café owners in the last 12 months.

Energy costs have increased by 107%, while milk has gone up by 36%. Coffee beans themselves are also 17% more expensive than they were last year. All of these will contribute to the price of your morning flat white.

Project Origin Coffee have also recently tackled this issue on their socials. In an informative post they say that, “the cost of your coffee needs to cover more than the 30 seconds it takes to extract the espresso shot.” In reality, what you pay for your coffee needs to cover 5+ years of tree growing, harvesting, shipping, roasting, and then the café’s costs.

Project Origin Coffee broke down that coffee prices are raising due to a number of reasons. Heavy inflation, the cost of running a coffee farm and paying coffee farmers fairly. There’s a raised cost in running a green bean exporting company, as well as rising oil prices, shipping delays and limited availability. Finally, low supply coupled with high demand doesn’t help matters.

So as tough as it is to swallow, there are reasons why our daily coffee is getting more expensive.

Header image via Instagram/projectorigincoffee

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