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15th Aug 2017

5 Places To Grab Some Serious Munch In Dublin For Lunch Today

Alana Laverty

Lunch hours diminish pretty quickly if you end up wandering around aimlessly, wondering what to eat. 

So we’re making all the decisions for you today by telling you where you can grab some tasty lunch. 

Here are five places to hit up for a feed today:

1. Musashi

Choose from the new Hogan Place location, IFSC, Capel Street or Sandyford for the bento box of your dreams. 

So big they’re impossible to finish and packed to the bring with sushi, gyozas, meat and fish main courses. You’ll be shtuffed. 

2. Tang 

A by-product of the well-loved frozen yoghurt establishment, Yogism, Tang is the trendiest new salad hub in town.  

 With an aim to incorporate yoghurt into everything they do, the salads are based around delicious Middle Eastern ingredients and then topped with different twists on tzatziki, flavoured yoghurts, citrus, honey and black olives. Reasonable, tasty and healthy. 

What more could you want?

3. Borlottie, Baggot Street Upper 

What’s Borlottie I hear you ask? Oh it’s just a cute little spot that make delicious fresh food right in front of you every day. 

Their deadly salads start at €3.15 so get out early to avoid the inevitable lunchtime rush.

4. Foodie, IFSC 

This is the lunch spot with the excellent sandwich names that you’re about to fall for. With dish names like The Spice Girls, Fo’ Shizzle and Hamazing – these guys know how to reel us in hook, line and sinker. And that isn’t all. 

The food is also deadly, healthy and super affordable. Plus they’ve also got a whopper vegetarian range – for the non carnivores amongst us.

5. Dunne & Crescenzi

Dunne & Crescenzi is an Italian food haven. 

Serving up authentic paninis, deadly sandwiches and hearty, full-flavoured soups – this is your one-stop-decadent-lunch-shop. 

Header image: @rosemarymaccabe on Instagram

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