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09th Jun 2018

“Dead And Live Crawling Insects” – Reasons Why 5 Dublin Food Businesses Closed In May

Darragh Berry

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) revealed earlier this month that 11 Irish businesses were served with closure orders for breaches of food safety legislation for the month of May.

Of these 11, five businesses were located in Dublin, you can find the full list of closures here.

On Friday, it was revealed why these businesses closed down.

Golden Beach Supermarket, 137 Parnell Street Dublin 1:

Accumulation of debris and dirt. Storing equipment that made pest inspection virtually impossible.

Bella Roma, 45 Ballybough Road Dublin 3

No Food Safety Management System, failure to implement and maintain permanent procedure based on the HACCP principles. No monitoring of foodstuffs at critical control points to include deliveries, maintenance of the cold chain, cooking, cooling, reheating and thawing. No traceability and no supplier control.

Lucky Dragon 2, 70 Fassaugh Avenue Cabra Dublin 7

Containers of cooked food was cooling in areas where raw food was prepared. Raw meat was being prepared in a utensil wash up sink. A large delivery of raw and ready-to-eat foods (frozen and chilled) were stored in and around tables of open containers of raw and ready-to-eat foods.

Blackchurch Inn, Naas Road Rathcoole County Dublin

The kitchen in general was dirty, including floors, equipment, walls & ceiling. This consisted of heavy mould growth, grime, dripping grease, and chargrilled food debris.

The room to the rear of the bar, on route to the bottle store, was extremely dirty, including floor, walls and surfaces.

The bottle store was dirty, including floor, walls and equipment. Bottles were stored directly on the dirty floor.

Two mousetraps had been set under the oven in the kitchen, laid by the Food Business Operator.

Addison Lodge, 131 Botanic Road Glasnevin Dublin 9

Dead and live crawling insects for example earwigs, woodlice and spiders were found on the premises posing a risk to food safety as insects can transmit disease. Live flies were noted throughout the premises and the windows were left open. There were no fly screens on open windows and fire escape doors were being held open to the rear yard. Due to the lack of access to the cellar area it was not possible to ascertain if there was a pest control issue in this area.

Notable gaps were found at exterior doors throughout the building and along with the accumulation of obsolete items at different locations throughout the premises as well as external harbourage there is a risk of pests nesting and accumulating at the premises and its grounds which could pose a risk to public health.

You can find more information here.

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