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20th Dec 2016

This Clever Alarm App Will Make You Magically Morph Into A Morning Person


Terrible at getting out of the bed in the morning? Aren’t we all…

You’ve probably tried all the tricks – putting your phone in a different room, setting a terrifying tune to scare you out of bed – the works!

However, this Barcode Alarm Clock App could be the one that changes your life… 

When it goes off in the morning, it won’t stop making a din until scanned on a barcode. That could be the barcode of your toothpaste, your coffee, your cereal or your makeup. All you have to do is choose what barcodes it recognises.

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So, once the alarm goes off, not only do you have to get out of bed – you have to go about your morning activities and thus, forget about your warm cosy bed.

Fucking genius!

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