Trinity College has opened a public vote on whether to turn the lawns outside its front gate into a wildflower meadow with the aim of promoting biodiversity.
In a post on social media, Trinity College has invited the public to vote on the issue which, if passed, would see the front gate lawns converted to native wildflowers.
The college adds that ‘Trinity has already converted parts of campus to wildflower havens, providing a place to rest, live and feed for insects throughout the year.’ Voting to change the lawns into a wildflower meadow will ‘support biodiversity and provide much-needed habitat for native insects and food for our pollinators in the city centre.’
Trinity is introducing a public vote on whether turn the area outside Front Gate where Burke and Goldsmith stand into a wildflower meadow, promoting biodiversity and increasing habitat for pollinators.
Have your say: #sustainabletrinity #tcdwildflowers
— Trinity College Dublin (@tcddublin) February 25, 2020
Alternatively, voting against the change will mean that ‘the lawns around the Goldsmith and Burke statues outside of Front Gate will remain managed to existing standard.’
Aesthetically, voting yes may make the lawns ‘look less tidy but it will be an important reminder of what wild nature looks like.’ Voting no will prevent ‘introducing an untended landscape that could reflect negatively on one of the most visited and photographed landmarks in Dublin.’
If you wish to get involved in the vote on whether to change the lawns outside Trinity College into a wildflower meadow, you can do so here.
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