Renters are reportedly being asked to hand over an insane amount of personal information just to get in to view a house or apartment.
Landlords are said to be asking for people’s social media account details and even PPS numbers and then deciding whether or not to let them in for viewings.
They often use third-party websites to collect a worrying amount of information on people, like their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles, as well as photos and PPS numbers.
Whoever supplied the most information would then get the most ‘points’ and have first dibs on upcoming viewings.
Tenancy protection charity Threshold warned that landlords should only be asking for a PPS number once the actual letting process begins to get underway and a lease has been agreed, and not during viewings.
The charity’s communications executive told the Irish Examiner, “Some of our clients are encountering new obstacles to simply view a property.
“We regularly receive queries from clients regarding screening processes employed by some letting agencies or landlords and, in some instances, we have raised particular cases with the Data Protection Commission on behalf of clients.
“Threshold is concerned about the level of data being sought by some landlords or letting agents at the pre-letting stage.”
She added, “It is clear that the private rented sector is not an even playing field.”
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