Ahhh to have endless wealth in Dublin’s fair city, eh? You could go where ever you liked, eat out every single evening, and live a life of #notions in complete and utter bliss.
Dubliners are a funny bunch. We give out about anything and everything, and the very idea of someone you know paying top dollah for anything outrageous provides office gossip for a week.
But you have to admit, aren’t there a few things you’d secretly love to do in Dublin if you could? They might be pure notions, but we bet the majority of Dubs have secretly dreamed of doing these…
1. Buying a pint in Temple Bar and not even looking at the bill
You’ll be just like those fancy Ameri-cahhns.
@RTERayDarcyShow Get Dave to check this out . Two pints in Temple bar . ???????? pic.twitter.com/PCn8818yEA
— garethdowney (@GarethJDowney) November 8, 2017
2. Getting a taxi to and from work every day and never using public transport again
Farewell sweet LUAS, adios Dublin Bus. We’ll never rummage for change again.
3. Having afternoon tea at a different five-star hotel every Sunday
And yes, you will upgrade to the champagne option.

4. Eating overpriced fancy American cereal for brekkie
Those Lucky Charms feel even luckier when you can actually afford ’em.
€13 for a box of Kelloggs cereal in Fallon & Byrne. The fuckin’ sea wouldn’t take them. pic.twitter.com/2c9JyD5UwL
— ???? Ed Smith ???? (@edsongsofpraise) April 18, 2016
5. Doing your entire food shop in Marks & Spencer
Just think of all those ready meals. The exotic fruit. The crumbly cookies. The PERCY PIGS.
6. Living the rest of your notion-y life in the penthouse suite at The Morgan
Gaze out at all the minions below on the cobbled streets.
7. Getting a Brown Thomas loyalty card and actually spending enough money to get points on it
You won’t even have to wait for the Stephen’s Day sale.

8. Buying a holiday home in Dalkey for the summer and only visiting it once
C’ya laaaaaaaaaaaaater.
9. Ordering an almond milk decafe extra-hot flat white in a takeaway cup but “I’ll drink it here” every morning
Dairy just doesn’t agree with you when you’re full of notions, okay?
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10. Having a Coppers gold card
The ultimate night out.
— Copper Face Jacks (@CopperFaceJacks) June 24, 2014
Notions, the lot of ’em.
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