And it’s coming a lot sooner than we expected.
Lovers of the Baggot Street sandwich spot will be delighted with the news of Tír Deli’s second location. The deli has been hinting at a new spot for all things sambos for a little while now, and yesterday afternoon they finally announced not only the location, but an opening day.
And could there be a more iconic spot for the fan favourite lunch spot?
Tír Deli took to Instagram to announce that their second location would be at the stone arches on Hatch Street, right in the heart of Dublin 2.
The caption read like this:
“The stone arches just feel like they’re perfect for tír. The new space will also be our research centre, where we have a bit more room to play and to party.”
You know what that means right? More fabulous creations from Tír.
They went on to talk about the difficulty of the past two years, but how things are finally getting better. The caption comments on the hopeful atmosphere in the air now that hospitality restrictions have been lifted.
“It’s so exciting to see the buzz about town again and we can’t wait to show you our new home.”
And we won’t have to wait long to step inside their new home. Tír Deli opens their second location on Monday the 7th February, not even a week away now!
Header image via Instagram/tir_deli
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