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22nd Feb 2019

Buzzfeed Has Created A ‘Dublin Destiny’ Quiz And The Whole World Is Talking And Freaking Out About It

Darragh Berry

Lovin Dublin has created many quizzes about this city in our time, but none have ever been as weird as this one by Buzzfeed.

(Okay, our one about ‘can you guess this Dublin pub by their toilet’ was kind of weird…)

They have launched the: ‘What Is Your Dublin Destiny’ quiz which basically informs you about the “bleak outcome [that] awaits you based on your choices after going for ‘Just The One’.

No matter what you answer, the outcome is just completely bizarre and downright weird.

For example, I got: “You get trapped in a former Dublin music venue that’s about to be demolished.”

Others have said that their answers led them to be “kidnapped and slaughtered by the Happy Pears.”

What a way to go out.

We’re sorry but with a death like that, you’d be featuring in headlines all over Ireland.

They only ask you a few questions so it’s an easy quiz to bomb through while you’re taking a break from work or, you know, running away frantically from the Happy Pear.

First, you must choose a place to drink:

  • Cocktails at PYG
  • Pint at Grogan’s
  • Cans at The Pav
  • Fancier Cocktails for like €14 on Dawson Street.

Next question says that Dublin has been “overrun by an English Stag-do, so you decide to leave and do this instead:

  • Take the Luas to Broombridge
  • Go down a mysterious hallway in the ILAC
  • Try to find the Jervis Centre Toilets
  • Hitch a ride on the Viking Spanish Boat

Where you go turns out to be a “portal to another dimension of Dublin where you are compelled to do something out of nature.”

You can either:

  • Stop for a street fundraiser
  • Rip a page out of the Book of Kells
  • Feed the seagulls on Grafton Street
  • Watch a busker perform ‘Let Her Go’

But, everything that you do in this dimension has a dire and fatal consequence and “you have sealed your fate, You must bring one cursed object to bring with you into The Great Beyond”.

You can choose from:

  • A cursed chicken fillet roll
  • Cursed child leap card
  • Cursed free bible from outside BOI
  • Cursed novelty Irish hat

Here’s what I choose:

Pint at Grogan’s – If I’m going down, I’m going down with a Guinness inside of me and a tasty one at that.

Luas to Broombridge – I thought if I got the LUAS out of the city and waited for it all to blow over, I’d be okay. I was wrong it seems…

Damage to Book of Kells – I have now obviously gone past the point of rescue.

Chick fill roll – Because a cursed Chicken Fillet Roll is still better than no chicken roll at all.

You can find out your Dublin Destiny by taking the quiz here.