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Food & Drink

20th Jan 2020

The Back Page has gone for two fancier names for this week’s free lunch offer

Darragh Murphy

One would imagine that there aren’t too many Fabrizios or Fallyns bopping around Dublin but if there are, they can avail of a free lunch all week in The Back Page.

Every week, The Back Page picks two names that start with the same letter and offers a free lunch to any customers with those names.

In recent weeks; we’ve seen Colms and Catrionas, Darraghs and Denises, and Erics and Evas all offered a lunch on the house but this time the Dublin pub has gone for two rarer names.

From Monday to Friday this week, Fabrizios and Fallyns will not have to pay for lunch at the Phibsborough bar as long as they can prove their name with valid ID.

The Back Page serves lunch from 12pm to 3.30pm each day and the menu can be viewed on the pub’s official website.

Even if your name isn’t Fabrizio or Fallyn, it might be worth your while paying a visit to the pub this week because The Back Page’s book club launch takes place on Thursday night.

In recent weeks, the pub has had a deal in place whereby customers could trade books for drinks and the official launch will feature an event dedicated to Red Inc., which is the longest-running fanzine in the League of Ireland.
