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20th Dec 2016

Monopoly Has Set Up A Helpline For Families Who Fight Over Christmas


It’s a well-known fact that a large percentage of festive family fights are caused by board games… so the folks behind Monopoly have decided to take drastic action.

Hasbro, the company that produces the game, has set up a helpline to assist feuding families in settle any disputes over the rules of the Christmas favourite.

Research found that 51 per cent of games of Monopoly end in a row, with “people making up the rules” listed as the most common cause.

This was followed by “people being too cocky when winning” and “someone buying a property you want, even when they don’t need it”.

Other common complaints include “people taking too long to take their turn”, “someone stealing from the bank” and “someone deliberating miscounting their move”.

If you’re prone to seeing red when someone snaps up Shrewsbury Road, the helpline is available between December 24 and 26 on 0800 689 4903.

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